
Become a Trusted channel partner

Help shape the digital future for Construction, Logistics, Rental, or Security as a Trusted dealer, distributor or reseller.

IoT and digital solutions are in demand

New solutions to classic industry challenges

Quality products for your clients

New business possibilities

What to expect as partner

Our partner promises​


Let's partner up to digitalize industry

We help you become a tracking expert

You target leads with our unique data tracking solution

We give you tools and support from headquarters

Your success is not only sales but successful clients

The market is ready. Are you?

Businesses in industry are looking for digital solutions. Do you want to offer them an innovative IoT product with unique selling points?

With market-leading robust hardware – developed and made in the EU – we are trusted by customers in construction, logistics, and security industries worldwide.

Our intelligent data-tracking solution solves many different tasks, for example

  • Monitors running hours for construction attachments, tools, or rental machines
  • Offers theft protection and recoveries with location services from wireless trackers
  • Proves compliance of safe transport of freight on shock, temperature, and humidity

Trusted is perfect for:



Security solutions

Logistics and transport

Become a Trusted channel partner

Our quality brand:

Online data solutions

Uniquely robust devices

Global network roaming

Digitalizes businesses

Boost your product range with our unique data tracking solution for industry.

We are looking for channel partners with a large network or current customers who might be interested in Trusted’s adaptable solutions. 

You know your clients and your market best. Let’s make the sale together.

  • Your company is serious, proactive, and focused on selling Trusted
  • You are able to present, promote, and support an advanced product
  • Earn attractive percentages on each sale to grow your business
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The Trusted channel partner program

As a Trusted channel partner you will have our top priority. Let us be successful together.

Trusted prioritizes a close collaboration and want you to feel comfortable with products, accessories and the Trusted concept.

We go to great lengths to assist you with: 

  • A smooth onboarding process with assistance from tracking experts
  • Sparring on different markets, industries and USPs when you need
  • Dedicated sales materials, online resources, and priority support

Our partner promises

Fast track onboarding

Sales sparring

Dedicated support

Mutual expectations

Let's talk

In my role as Partner Manager, I will be your close partner in setting you up to succeed with data tracking.

Let us discuss your ambition and find the perfect solution together.

Give me a call today or book a meeting – online or on-site.

Channel Partner Manager

Jan Meldgaard Christensen

Jan Meldgaard Christensen