
Trusted IoT coverage map

Global network roaming

Trusted data trackers have global network roaming

Track data from anywhere

Data trackers also work outside of network coverage ​

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We got you covered

Trusted IoT data trackers have built-in network technology that enables our devices to connect and transmit from LTE-M, 3G, or 2G networks worldwide.

Works even without network

A Trusted data tracker that travels outside network coverage is fully functional. Data is tracked, stored, and will be transmitted once coverage is reestablished.

Click the map to download our coverage map

1. If you have any questions or special requests, contact us for more detail.
2. Are you looking for a data tracker that uses a satellite network, contact us for more detail.
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Learn more about IoT, connectivity and data tracking below


Test: IoT data tracking device went top of Mount Kilimanjaro. See the data here.

Can you really track data from anywhere? We tested this by sending the IoT data recorder, T7RHTP, on a trek to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

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The full guide to how IoT works and the data networks that power it.

What is IoT data tracking, and how does it work? This guide offers you an introduction to how the Internet of Things works in an industry setting.

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An introduction: How does a data logger work and how do you use it?

How does a data logger work? Get an introduction to what you can use data loggers for and why they are a real game-changer.

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How can we help you?

If you have any questions about our network coverage or IoT technology in general, do contact me.

Give me a call today or book a meeting – online or on-site.

Sales Manager

Kasper Schouw Hansen