
Our commitments and communities

We see Trusted A/S as a part of the global community and are committed to social and environmental responsibility

Making a stand and taking responsibility

Trusted A/S aims to be a committed and reliable business partner to our customers and partners around the globe.

One of our main philosophies is stability – both in the services and solutions we provide and in economic terms, where we hold an AAA-credit rating.

Another of our key philosophies is responsibility – both locally and in a global sense.

We want to be an engaged partner in our local communities while committing to deal with the larger issues in the world we are a part of.

Working for a greener planet

We base our business on a strong belief in responsibility toward our planet – both the environment and human societies.

Limiting carbon footprints with our data solution

We strive to help our clients limit their carbon footprints through data and overview:

  • Longer life to assets: data on running hours for machines, vehicles, and equipment help ensure a long life through predictive maintenance and repairs.
  • Efficiency means downsizing: an overview of assets helps businesses use fleets more effectively which enables them to downsize in infrastructure.
  • Recover instead of buying new: we help clients recover lost of stolen assets instead of replacing them with our discreet anti-theft functionality.
  • Remote monitoring instead of manual: providing data readings through IoT from remote installations saves operators manual inspections by car, plane, or boat. 

Promoting sustainability for a better world

We are committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially:

Goal 7. Affordable and Clean Energy

We proudly service the clean power industry. Our solutions include data to limit damages and unnecessary expenses during production, transport, and installation of wind turbines.

Goal 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Our services provide businesses with data and overview previously unheard of in these industries. This digitalization helps them modernize, innovate, and grow.

Goal 13. Climate action

Our hardware is energy-efficient and our T1 version with replaceable batteries can be used again and again. 

Our services enable customers to limit their carbon footprint: 

  • assets last longer when you monitor safe use or track running hours to receive notifications on service before they break down
  • monitoring assets offers the overview to work more effectively with what you have and sell off idle assets that you do no need
  • assets that are lost or stolen can be located and recovered with position tracking so you do not need to buy new
  • projects that are monitored remotely limits the need for manual inspection expeditions

Goal 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Our products are in operation in numerous anti-theft operations, and data from our devices helps serve justice by reuniting owners with stolen assets through effective recovery operations.

Our communities

We want to be a dedicated and responsible partner to our clients globally while supporting our local communities.

American Rental Association

  • Supplier of data tracking solutions to the rental industry


  • Supplier of equipment to the armed forces as a member of Center for Defence, Space & Security in Denmark.

Clean power

Danish Export Association

  • We support and are an active part of the Danish export community.


  • As a member of Elretur, we support the reuse and recycling of electronic materials such as our own.

Erhvervsråd Silkeborg

  • We support local communities as a member of our regional corporate network.


  • We comply with GDPR standards and protect the personal data of our customers.


  • Supporting voluntary members of the armed forces.

Ownership and economy

  • Trusted is owned by the management and the investment company Insero Horsens.

Our products

The Trusted hardware is manufactured by Scandinavian Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) subcontractors in accordance with the following standards:


Learn more about Trusted A/S

We pride ourselves on how we run our business. If you want to know more, please give us a call or book a meeting.

Chief Executive Officer

Niels Henrik Olesen